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Panic button stemmed from a challenge; what game would be possible to make within a day? The outcome was a highly polished arcade game, where you dodge projectiles while collecting points, with the twist of having a panic button at any given time.

The game was focused around the movement, it needed to be fluid, so it has coyote time to allow jumping past a platform slightly, drop-through platforms to allow quick movement downward, and variable jump height based on how long the jump key is held.


The twist of the game was the "panic button". The player needs to collect blobs to fill the meter at the button, allowing them to use the panic button. They can use it at any time, bringing a risk vs reward dynamic to the gameplay.





All programming was done by me within the game engine Construct 3.

All art was done by me within Adobe Illustrator, keeping everything silhouettes to allow the player to easily see what information they need.

All audio was created by me within FL Studio. I used random sounds, as well as my voice, and applied effects to create the needed sound.


The game used various layers of feedback to help bring impact to the player's input. One example is the panic button, where there is a flash, as well as delayed response of score over destroyed bullets, and the final action with the meter depleting.

The development was documented on YouTube, helping to explain design decisions that I made to create the game's mechanics and systems.

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